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笔搜屋 > [使命召唤]高岭夏花 > 第4章 在非洲(第二部分)/Africa

第4章 在非洲(第二部分)/Africa


They picked a shadow place, lying low. Yali offered African Rooibos to them, a typical enthusiastic local wine.


People laughed, danced, and drank to the rhythm of African drums, temporarily forgetting the hot zone. After all, we are born into this world to experience happiness and existence and to create joy. The path to happiness includes pain, but that’s another story. The soldiers gradually relaxed, enjoying the sight of these joyful people.


A while later, Yali lowered the loudspeaker and took the microphone, starting his speech: "Friends, tonight is a mix of emotions for all of us. We're here to celebrate our time together and also to say goodbye to some of our friends who will be leaving soon. I just want to say a huge thank you to each of you.

过了一会儿,Yali将扩音器音量调低,他拿起话筒准备讲两句: "朋友们,今晚我们大家的心情都很复杂。我们在这里庆祝我们在一起的时光,同时也向一些即将离开的朋友道别。我只想对你们每个人表示衷心的感谢。

Working with the 26th and 27th UN rescue teams has been an amazing experience. Mike, from the 26th team, has stayed here for two years. I still remember the day Mike showed up with that big smile, ready to take on anything. Your positivity and dedication have been a real inspiration. Friends, raise your drinks for Mike!"

“For Mike!” others do that.

与联合国第 26 和第 27 次救援队合作是一次终身难忘的经历。第 26 队的Mike已经在这里工作了两年。我仍然记得Mike来这儿的第一天,他面带坚定的微笑,时刻准备着应对突发状况。Mike,你让我学会了很多。朋友们,为Mike干杯!"


“And Sofia, also from 26th. Your kindness and strength have touched so many lives here. The kids especially love you, for Sofia.”

“For Sofia!” This time, Price, Soap, Ghost and Keegan join.

"还有索菲亚,也是来自第26 次救援队。你的善良和坚强感动了这里的许年轻人。孩子们都特别喜欢你。为了索菲亚干杯。"

"为了索菲亚!" 这一次,Price、Soap、Ghost和Keegan也加入了进来。

“And thanks, everyone,Alex, Joe, Linzheng, Jun-Seo……But I personally want to express my great thanks to doc, Y/N.”

Y/N ran a little bit late; she took a shower before heading out. Especially Yali just messaged her very recently. As she approached, Yali was calling her name, and some friends excitedly grabbed her to the center of the group without any reaction time.

Y/N wore a denim shorts and a halter top. A very normal style in the megalopolis, but really dashing in this place.


Y/N 有点来晚了,Yali的安排太突然了,她洗了个澡才出门,而且差点还迷路了。当她刚刚好走进酒吧时,Yali刚刚好在叫她的名字,一些朋友过于兴奋,直接把她抓到了酒馆中央,没有给她任何反应时间。

Y/N 换上了牛仔短裤和吊带上衣。这打扮这大都市里很普通,但在这里却显得很性感。

Keegan saw Y/N and suddenly felt a strange mix of excitement and expectation. He focused on the crowd center.

Soap whistled, “Wow, it seems that our doctor had her hot side.” And chuckled.

Ghost also chuckled with his special, deep, enjoying voice.

Keegan看到了 Y/N,突然感到一种莫名的激动和期待。他不由自主地把目光投向了人群中心。

Soap吹了声口哨:"哇,这不是Y/N吗?看来我们的医生也有她火辣的一面。" 然后笑了起来。


Without any expectation, Yali held Y/N’s axilla and brought her to a table. Now, Y/N became the top of the crowd, diagonally behind the Price table. Y/N was surprised but quickly enjoyed that.

Yali没有给Y/N反应时间,架起 Y/N 的胳肢窝,让她坐到了一张酒桌。现在好了,Y/N 成了人群的中心人物,只可惜她半背对着Price他们那桌,他们那儿不是最佳观众席。Y/N 很惊讶,但她可曾经是夜店达人,很快她就适应了。

Yali continuously says, “Everyone, I’m going to tell you a story. A story about the 27thteam Y/N’s story. Y/N doctor was sent to Drodrroo. Two months ago, two robber brought their injured teammate, hijacked our people with knives, and forced our Y/N doctor to save the teammates, and looted the inventory quinine. As they were about to leave, Y/N suddenly hijacked the injured bad guy with a scalpel and said, ‘You guys can go; leave the quinine.I did not take the Hippocratic Oath; I don’t mind hurting your guys’.”

Yali继续说:"各位,我要给大家讲一个故事。一个关于第 27 队 Y/N 的故事。几个月前Y/N 医生被派往 德鲁德罗。两个月前,两个强盗带着他们受伤的队友,用刀劫持了我们的人,强迫我们去救他们的队友,还扫荡了库存的奎宁。当他们准备离开时,Y/N 突然冲上去用手术刀抵着那个受伤强盗,并说:'你们走,奎宁留下,我可没有发希波克拉底誓言;不留下药品,我就动手了!'"。

Totally, nonsense! Y/N must interrupt Yali’s nonsense, “Stop it, Yali, I did this because I saw our team member already approach the backup concealed gun; the bad guys were distracted and didn’t directly touch our people; they left not because of me, but for the gun. I am a bad example; guys, do not copy my actions. Exterminating the enemy is never our responsibility. Keep yourself safe. I was in a blank back then. I just do not want them to take the medicine. And I’m still waiting for my punishment. ”

完全是胡说八道!Y/N 必须打断 Yali 的胡言乱语:"别说了,Yali,我这么做是因为我当时已经看到我们的人已经摸到了隐藏的备用枪;而且那两个强盗分心了,没有直接挟持我方人员;他们留下奎宁不是因为我,而是因为枪。大伙,千万别学我;我这个行为是培训时候典型的反面教材,消灭敌人从来不是医疗救援队的责任。当时我脑子一片空白。我只是不想让他们带走所剩不多的奎宁。我还在等上面对我的惩罚呢。"

Hearing this, Keegan felt a mix of pride and concern. His naughty girl hadn't changed much. But nothing is more important than her life!

Ghost, Price, and Soap also chuckled.

Yali retorted, “I don’t care. That quinine saves people’s lives, including one of my nephews. Who will punish you for things like that? Right everyone?”

“Yeah!” People cheer.

“And for Y/N doctor,cheers!”

“For Y/N!”




"对!" 人们欢呼起来。



After this round, it seems Yali did not plan to let her escape from the table.

“Y/N doctor, no matter whether you choose to stay or leave, I will always treasure the time with you guys. But personally, I want you to stay.”

Y/N smiled, “I will consider that.”

Yali continued said, “Y/N doctor, will you stay…Or, is there anyone waiting for you from where you are from?”

Y/N hesitated.

Yali said, “Oh, shit, our Y/N doctor has her story. Tell us, right everyone?!”

“Yeah!,” people heckle.

Keegan felt a sense of danger. No way! Terrible!



Y/N 笑着说:"我会考虑的。"

Yali继续说:"Y/N 医生,留下吧!......又或者说,在远方的家乡,有人在等你回去?"

Y/N 犹豫了一下。

Yali说:"哦,糟糕,Y/N犹豫了,我们的 Y/N 医生有故事。大家想听吗?!"



Y/N replied, “First of all, do not call me a doctor; I only obtained a master's degree. ”

Yali teased Y/N, “But I don’t want to call you master in front of so many people, if I must to do so, we should find a private place.”

People burst into laughter.

Y/N 无奈地咧了咧嘴,说到:"首先,不要叫我医生Doctor(Doctor中文可以翻译成:医生/博士学位),我只获得了Master硕士学位。"

Yali逗 Y/N 说:"但我不想当着这么多人的面叫你Master(Master中文可以翻译成:硕士/主人),如果你非要叫我叫你Master,那得找个更加私人的地方。“


“Come on Y/N.”

“I don’t know….I’m not sure. Whether he is still waiting for me. I’m not sure whether he hates me.”

Y/N’s words broke Keegan’s heart. He will never hate Y/N. His Y/N.

“Oh no, don’t say that Y/N. No one hates you.”

“But I just met him very recently. He showed a poker face…He didn’t speak a word to me...I actually don’t know how to do…”

“Poor Y/N, that man is an idiot…”

Keegan's heart broke again. He wanted to believe that Y/N hadn’t completely given up on him, but Y/N’s uncertainty weighed heavily on his heart.



Y/N的话伤透了Keegan的心。他永远都不会恨 Y/N的。他的 Y/N。



"可怜的 Y/N,那个男人是个白痴......"


“Why are you guys showing empathy to my love story? Come on, we still have a lot of work to do; we don’t have time to feel sad or regretful. Tomorrow we will get back to our place, taking our responsibilities. I am supposed to bring happiness to here, not sadness. Especially for the precious night. Tonight, let’s forget about our past, our ex, and the crying on the battlefield; tonight is tonight, and we are we. I love you guys! I heard someone wants to call me Master, hun. Where is my music, take this cup with me…..”

Y/N robbed one friend’s drink, drink it all in one gulp.

People applauded and burst into laughter. Music back. The bar returned to its usual.

Y/N got off the table and shook hands with Yali for his invitation. And chatted with some friends.




Y/N 也从桌子上下来了,她和 Yali 握手,感谢他的邀请。

Ghost chuckled again, “Interesting girl.”

Soap nudged Ghost with a teasing smile, he said, “You gonna need to wait. Look Keegan, he is already eye fucking with our doctor now. ”

Indeed, Keegan cannot move his eyeball from Y/N’s direction anymore.

Price took a glance at his soldier, raised his eyebrows, and said, “Wow, rivalry. Enjoy that, boys; I need to make a phone call.” He then stepped outside.

Soap decided to join the group of people instead of purely sitting there, leaving Ghost and Keegan there.


Soap揶揄地用手肘怼了怼Ghost,说:"中尉,你得靠边站了。你看纯情的Keegan,他已经在eye fucking咱们迷人的小医生了。"




“Lt, if I broke a girl’s heart and suddenly met her again, what would you do?”

Ghost was stunned for one second and realized something; he then replied, “ Toss a coin, heads brought her back, tail forgot her forever.”

Keegan turned his face to Ghost, “That’s how you treat with your love?”

Ghost took a coin out.

Keegan replied, “Seriously? You did that before?”


"中尉,如果我曾经伤了一个女孩的心,现在突然又遇见了她,你会怎么做?" Keegan问道。





Ghost shrugged his shoulder, “You will never know.” He tossed the coin and clapped it on the table.

Their eyesight focused on the coin.

It’s tail.

When they raised their head again, Y/N was no longer in the crowd. There is no sign of her in the bar.

Keegan, sitting there, stared at the coin.

Keegan took a deep sip of wine.

Three seconds later.

He cursed Ghost, “Go to hell,” and ran out of the bar.

Ghost耸了耸肩说:"你猜啊。" 然后他扔出硬币。硬币在空中反转,有规律的反射出奇异的光彩,然后被拍在桌子上。



当他们再次抬起头时,Y/N 已经不在人群中了,酒吧里没有她的踪迹。




他由衷地咒骂了一句Ghost: "你给我滚蛋"。


Y/N was not in the mood; the words goodbye would make her feel even worse. Today, she has too many things to worry about. First, she needed to decide whether to stay for another. Second, if she chooses to leave, where will she go? Third, how can she face Keegan?

Y/N 实在没心情继续呆在酒馆,说再见的那些话只会让她更难过。最近,她有太多的事情要操心了。首先,她需要决定去留问题。第二,如果选择离开,她将何去何从?第三,她该如何面对Keegan?

Y/N could feel the summer wind blowing. The wind didn’t bring her any answer.

But the wind brought her a man.

Keegan Russ. He stood in front of Y/N, a few feet away.

They had eye contact now. Y/N’s brain suddenly blank.

Y/N 能感觉到夏天的风吹向了她。

风并没有给她带来任何答案。但风给她带来了一个男人 。

Keegan Russ。他就站在离Y/N几英尺远的地方。


As they approached each other, the air was quite peaceful.

“Nice to meet you, Sergeant.”

“You too, doc. Can I call you doc?”

“I didn’t have a doctor's degree.”

“Better than master.”

Y/N stunned, “You were there in the bar? No way.” Y/N tilted her head.






Y/N惊讶了,说:"你当时在酒吧里?不会吧?" Y/N偏着头躲着Keegan的注视。

“I want to apologize.” “Sorry.”

They said simultaneously.

Y/N was surprised, she asked, “For what?”

“I took advantage of my job. Searched for your location. I promised, only before two days ago.”

“Fuck you.”

“I’m sorry, but..”

“Fuck you. You apologize for that?”


“You apologize for worrying about me? For the kind heart of your nice soul? No. That’s not what I want to hear. Sergeant.” Y/N almost cried.

"我想道歉" / "对不起"




"Fuck you", Y/N脱口而出骂道。




"你为了关心我而道歉?你为了担心我的安全而道歉?这是哪门子的道歉,我不想听这个。中士。" Y/N 差点哭出来。

“Doc, don’t cry, I love you, please your tears will kill me.”

“And you said you love me and show poker face at the camp? And you said you love me and only texted me Happy Independent Day or Merry Christmas? God, I thought you hated me; I have been blaming myself for the whole time…”

“Why do you blame yourself? Y/N.”

“For slept you, by tempting you.”





“What, no, no, no, it was not…We both made choices that night. Don’t say that. I care about you… I need to apologize for how I handled things afterwards. I was so fear for the future. And it turns out that hurt both of us, it was not fair for both of us.” Keegan stepped closer to Y/N,“I just want to ask one thing.”

“Sergeant Keegan Russ!”



"Keegan Russ中士!"Y/N吼了出来。

Keegan controlled the dialog now, “I just need to know do you ever think about me in the past year?”

“Every day. You happy?”

“Then shut up.”It’s rare that Keegan acted this kind of strong method, he then loudly shouted, “By the way, can I hug you?!”

“Yes!” Y/N also shouted.

And, they hugged.

Y/N cried in Keegan’s chest. Keegan wrapped his arm around Y/N, holding Y/N close. They just hugged. And the summer starry sky witnessed it all.




"废话!要抱就赶紧抱!" Y/N 也用生气而礼貌、激动而克制的的声音喊道。


Y/N 在Keegan的胸膛里哭了。Keegan搂着 Y/N,紧紧地抱着。


“How is your life.” Later, Y/N asked.

“Same old. Mission, training, paperwork, more training, typical Ghost stuff. How is yours?”

“My life? My life is. I learned what your life is.”

Keegan felt a pang of fear. He didn’t want Y/N to push him away, not again.

“Doc, wait, don’t push me away.”

“Shut up, Sergeant. I’m not.”




听起来 Y/N这次是要把Keegan推开,这不是Keegan想要的。



“How long will you be here?”

“One or two more days. What about you?”

“I don’t know. The one-year volunteering is almost there. I am standing in the cross of my life. Stay, or go back home.”

“I will understand any choice you make, and respect that.”

“ Any tendency? Sergeant, this is an order, answer the question.”





" 你的倾向呢?告诉我。中士,这是命令。"

Keegan enjoyed Y/N teasing him, “Personally, I would choose to go back home. It’s too dangerous out there. Your dad and I just want you to be safe. ”

“This is not the answer I’m waiting for.”

“ Well, I do have one, but I’m not sure you are going to like it. Doc”

“Tell me.”



Keegan转了转脑子,说:" 好吧,我还真有一个,但我不确定你是否会喜欢。Doc“


Keegan raised an eyebrow, “Well, it will be a complete waste considering you have taken rescuing volunteering work in this place; why not become a real doctor? Becoming a real doctor could help more people.”

“Good point, I will consider that.”

Keegan was happy that Y/N was considering going back home.

Y/N continued, “I will consider that tomorrow. But tonight, I need to consider where to stay. After all, I suddenly came back from the village.”

Keegan smirked, of course, he couldn’t let Y/N find a random place to stay.



Keegan很高兴 Y/N 会考虑回家和继续读书这件事,他希望Y/N永远安全、快乐,而且这样也算是对Y/N父亲有了交代。


Keegan心领神会地笑了笑,当然,他怎么能让 Y/N 随便在外面过夜呢。

20 minutes later, they approached a small cozy apartment on the edge of the town. The building was a single-family structure, nestled between a diner and a barber shop. As Y/N stepped in, she was quite surprised this place was tidy and neat. There was a small kitchen with a table and chairs and a living room with a couch and bookshelf. Keegan used one of the bedrooms, which had a king-size bed.

20 分钟后,他们来到了布尼亚小镇边缘的一栋的小公寓前。这是一个独栋建筑,坐落在一家小餐馆和一家理发店之间。Y/N走进去,这里的整洁让她感到惊讶。这儿还配备有小厨房和桌椅,客厅里有沙发和书架。Keegan用的是其中一间卧室,里面有一张King-size号的床。

Y/N asked surprisingly, “ if my memory is correct I am the one who stayed here for over six months, how can you guys find such a nice place within such a short time?”

Keegan chuckled and expressed, “We are trained to adapt to our surroundings. 141 has their own way.”

Y/N 不禁问起Keegan:"如果我没记错的话,我才是在这里呆了六个多月的人,你们才来一天,是怎么在这么短的时间内找到这么好的地方?


Y/N nodded, “By the way I learned something during the past year.”

Keegan was intrigued by that statement, “Yeah? What is that?”

“Be polite and ask. So, Sergeant, can I kiss you?”

“No. You can’t just kiss me like that and expect me to stay composed.” Keegan took a deep breath; he knew everything, but he enjoyed the flirting.

“Call me master.”

“You know what you’re getting yourself into, doc? You want this?”


“OK, princess.”

However, that night Keegan was the one who acted more like a master. He took control and pace. He made Y/N say everything he wanted Y/N to say. As for poor Y/N, she was unable to fight back; after all, Keegan is a well-trained hunter.

Y/N 点了点头,正经地说:"中士,在过去的一年里,我学到了一个重要地品质。"



Keegan坏坏地看着Y/N,他心里可明白了,但调情这种事还是多多益善, “不行,你不能就这样吻我,还指望我保持镇定。”





而且那天晚上Keegan才是扮演主人角色的那个。他才是控制节奏和进程的那个人。他想让 Y/N 发出什么样的声音,Y/N就确实发出了该发出的声音。至于可怜的 Y/N,她根本无力反抗;毕竟,Keegan是训练有素的。

Y/N promised Keegan she would kiss him goodbye when the GHOST team returned to the base. That day, Y/N ran a little bit late to the airport. She brought Keegan a gift—local chocolate with a rare yield.

“I know soldiers would bring some sugar and candy to the battlefield in case of lack of food. Local people said this is the best chocolate in the world.” Y/N ran, out of breath.

Y/N 答应Keegan, GHOST 小队回到基地那天,她会和他吻别。那天,Y/N 去机场晚了一点。她给基根带来了一份礼物--产量稀少的布尼亚本地巧克力。


Keegan smirked, relieved her, “No worry, princess. Price also ran late; he did not usually do that. But let’s take advantage of that.” God, she’s almost out of breath just for sending this chocolate on time, this is a lovely reaction.

Keegan惬意地笑了,他拍拍Y/N的背给她顺顺气,宽慰她说:"不用担心,公主。Price也迟到了,难得他迟到,反而给了我们更多时间。" 天哪,为了买巧克力送到机场,她能把自己跑得快岔气了,这也太可爱了,Keegan心想。

Keegan continued, “Let me know whenever you're going, OK? Whatever you do — staying, going back home, finding a job, or being a doctor—stay safe and sound. I know the Internet or signal is not stable in this place, but just let me know whenever you can.”

Y/N promised. Then Price got here. The soldiers walked to the C-17 Globemaster aircraft.

Y/N watched the plane departure.

The sky is especially beautiful today. Y/N thought.

Keegan继续说:"Y/N,无论你什么时候离开非洲,都要告诉我,好吗?无论你怎么选 --留下也好、回家也好、找工作或当医生 –只要是平安无事就好。我知道这个地方的网络或信号时有时无,但要让我时不时知道你是安全的。“

Y/N 认真得点头答应了。这时,Price到了。然后士兵们走向C-17 Globemaster运载机。




Weeks later, Keegan got a text from Y/N.

“I left Buniiaa. Find a job in an institute. Three-month close-door initiation. Miss me. Sergeant.”

Keegan smirked.

“Roger that. My princess.” He replied.

Several months later, the GHOST team had a new mission. In the briefing, Price spread the intel files to the team.

Keegan miss-caught the file folder. A photo dropped out. He astonished.

It’s Y/N.




"收到了,公主" 他回复道。



